
introducing Geoff Bullock

Geoff Bullockを久しぶりに聴いてる。人生の痛みの中で内なる方を見出した人。だいぶ前に買ったCDが1枚、家にあります。そのころはヒルソングの彼の歌がすきだったから…だったと思うけど。

Geoff Bullock
I have lived the most amazing life. I was once a founder of Hillsongs Music and the writer of their early work in particular "The Power of Your Love", but now I have grown into someone completely different. I have learnt much, most by bitter experience, but, through all this, I have found a hope and peace that continually surprises me. My new songs attempt to reflect this journey, so, stick around and watch the developements. By the way, thank you so much for stopping by.(Geoff)

New CDを買ってみようかな。

彼のブログ ゆっくり読んでみたい。

memo:Geoff Bulloch Story

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